Hearts of iron 4 lets play
Hearts of iron 4 lets play

I've seen this in streams when war is declared or players/ai peace out and start dividing up land. I've seen HOI4 automatically drops to lower speeds if one player starts to lose sync so they can catch up. This is stuff I've guessed from Stellaris, CK2 and EU4 which use versions of the same game engine, and from watching streams. Games can be open, friends only, or password protected I think. I believe players can kindof vote on the game speed so pausing by agreement should be possible. Games are saved on a regular basis so even if the host quits someone else can rehost and take over. one player hosts, and other players can hot join the game as whatever nation and take over from the AI.

hearts of iron 4 lets play

If it's anything like Europa Universalis IV. Цитата допису phinal:Just one tiny question: How does online with friends work? Is it like solo but with some nations being controled by players and no way to pause?

Hearts of iron 4 lets play